HOME > Á¦Ç°¼Ò°³ > ¼ö¸®½ÃÇè±â
ÃÊÀ½ÆÄ ¼öÀ§°è DA-858
Ultrasonic Water Meter
½¬À§°è DA-859
Water Level Indicator
2Â÷¿ø ÀüÀÚÀ¯¼Ó°è DA-861A
2 Axis Electromagnetic Current Meter
3Â÷¿ø ÀüÀÚÀ¯¼Ó°è DA-861B
3 Axis Electromagnetic Current Meter
3Â÷¿ø ÀüÀÚÀ¯¼Ó°è DA-861C
3 Axis Electromagnetic Current Meter
ÇÁ·ÎÆç¶ó½Ä À¯¼Ó°è DA-862
Propeller Current Meter
ÇÁ¶óÀ̽º½Ä À¯¼Ó°è DA-865
Price Current Meter
µðÁöÅÐ ¼ö½É ÃøÁ¤±â DA-871
Digital Water Depth Meter
µðÁöÅÐ ¼ö½É ÃøÁ¤±â DA-873
Digital Water Depth Meter
ÃÊÀ½ÆÄ ¼ö½É ÃøÁ¤±â DA-874
Uitrasonic Water Depth Meter
 1  2  3
and or
º»»ç : ¼­¿ïƯº°½Ã ¼ºµ¿±¸ ¼º¼öÀÏ·Î1±æ 17-30 HEAD OFFICE : 17-30, Seongsuil-ro 1gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, 04779, REPUBLIC OF KOREA
TEL : (02)463-7231, 7232, 3924,   FAX (02)463-3925 TEL : 82-2-463-7231, 7232, 3924,   FAX 82-2-463-3925
E-mail : da@dongahtest.kr, http://www.dongahtest.co.kr E-mail : da@dongahtest.kr, http://www.dongahtest.co.kr